DEDS | MSCA-ITN-EJD on Data Engineering for Data Science | | | |
DiscoveryGNN | An Automatic Data Discovery Approach to Enhance Barcelona's Data Ecosystem | | | |
ExtremeXP | EXPeriment driven and user eXPerience oriented analytics for eXtremely Precise outcomes and decisions | | | |
GLI | Global Laboratory Initiative software | | | |
IMAGING | For an improvement of Health through rapid and economic diagnosis (iH-red). Imaging platform development for Malaria, Tuberculosis and NTDs | | | |
LEARN-SQL | Learning Environment for Automatic Rating Notions of SQL | | | |
WIDP | WHO Integrated Data Platform | | | |
WIMEDS | WHO Integrated Medical Supply System | | | |
WISCENTD | WHO Information System to Control/Eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases | | | |