COVID-19 data exchange among specialized outbreak software suites (COVID19DE)

April, 2020

Alberto Abelló, Antoni Bergas, Besim Bilalli, Petar Jovanovic, Mateo Jácome González, Sergi Nadal, Raquel Panadero, Pablo Rodriguez, Oscar Romero

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  • Description

    Go.Data is an outbreak investigation tool for field data collection during public health emergencies. At the same time; since the 2010’s, DHIS2 has been implemented by many countries as their national health information system, notably in Africa, South East Asia and Western Pacific. Consequently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the need to support countries in anonymously crossing outbreak data from Go.Data to DHIS2, if they have implemented both systems to collect respectively outbreak and routine health data. This will empower countries to gain deeper insights of the current picture (e.g., identifying the population at risk of being infected and potential pressure of the health system during the epidemics). But crossing Go.Data and DHIS2 data is far from trivial and requires advanced IT skills not available in developing countries. 

    Our proposal is four fold: (i) Guarantee the private use of GoData on a server without compromising patients’ personal data; (ii) Empower countries to import data from Go.Data into DHIS2 (so they can monitor the emergency with the tool they are used to), (iii) Suggest advanced analysis of the COVID-19 outbreak data generated from Go.Data and/or DHIS2, and (iv) Enable advanced data integration with other relevant data to provide contextualized visualisations, analysis and forecasts based on the WHO Information System to Control and Eliminate NTDs (WISCENTD).



    Follow the progress of this project at the following web page.

    The current results of the project can be found at the GitHub page with the code of interoperability layer (DHIS2 -> Go.Data)

    In addition, we also build wrappers for conveniently accessing the Rest APIs of the two systems under consideration, DHIS2 and Go.Data. 

    DHIS2 Rest API Wrapper

    Go.Data Rest API Wrapper


    The current results of the project have also been presented at the DHIS2 Annual Conference (held virtually, September 2020). You can see the presentation in the following video (from 10:26). 


    The above interoperability functionalities are as well implemented inside the DHIS2-Go.Data interoperability Web app for the DHIS2 platform. 

    Below you can find the demo video of the DHIS2-Go.Data interoperability app, as well as the video of showcase demo meeting with WHO/Go.Data team and country and regional represetnatives: 


    DHIS2-Go.Data-InteroperabilityApp (February 05, 2021 )

    Demo meeting where Interoperability App presented to WHO/Go.Data team and Country/Regional representatives (January 30, 2021 )