Attendance of the 7th eBISS European Summer School and Doctoral Colloquium in Brussels, Belgium
Our 1st and 2nd year doctoral researchers in the IT4BI-DC program, along with Alberto Abello, Oscar Romero, and Petar Jovanovic have attended the 7th edition of the eBISS summer school and doctoral colloquium which took place in Brussels, Belgium. This year's event was organised by the ULB unviersity of Brussels. The program consisted of multiple topics about the state-of-the art of Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data analytics including: Deep learning, Programmatic ETL, Temporal DBs, Data quality and profiling, Graph analytics and databases, and stream & similarity mining. Our PhD candidates presented their latest work in the poster session and the doctoral colloquium presentation sessions. The event also included multiple social activities in Brussels and a group visit to the comics art museum and the city centre.