
Mike Papazoglou: Blueprinting the Cloud


23/05/2012 de 12:00 a 13:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)


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Current cloud solutions are fraught with problems. They introduce a monolithic cloud stack that imposes vendor lock-in and dont let developers mix and match services freely from diverse cloud service tiers to configure them dynamically to address application needs.

Cloud blueprinting is a novel approach that lets developers syndicate, configure, and deploy virtual service-based application payloads on virtual machine and resource pools in the cloud. Cloud blueprinting helps developers to automatically provision services, effectively manage workload segmentation and portability (i.e., the seamless movement of workloads across many platforms and clouds), and manage virtual service instances, all while optimizing the use of cloud resources and accelerating the deployment of new composed services. Within such a cloud environment, its also important to equip developers with a unified approach that lets them develop cloud applications on top of existing applications at any layer of the cloud stack from multiple cloud providers.

About the speaker: Prof. Mike Papazoglou is BSc. Honours, MSc., PhD. in Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems Engineering from the Universities of Dundee, and Edinburgh, UK in 1978, 1979, and 1983, respectively. He is chair in Computer Science and executive Director of the European Research Institute in Services Science (ERISS), Tilburg University, Netherlands, May 1996 - todate. He is honorary professor or professional fellow in Universities of Trento, New South Wales, Claude Bernard Lyon, Rey Juan Carlos and Zayed. Member of several Advisory Boards and scientific advisor in different European committees. Scientific Director of the S-Cube NoE (FP7 programme). Approximately 250 papers published with more than 7.500 references altogether. Author of several classic books in service-oriented computing, including “Web Services: Principles and Technology", "Service Oriented Computing" and more recently editor of the book "Service Research Challenges and Solutions for the Future Internet”.