
Jesús Bisbal: Towards negotiable SLA-based QoS Support for Data Services


11/05/2011 de 12:00 a 13:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)



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Data intensive domains are commonly overwhelmed with the vast and increasing amount of information available. Advanced studies in biomedicine or earth observation, for example, often require a considerable amount of effort to achieve data access to a critical mass of information to analyze the problem at hand. In this context we propose a novel application of QoS mechanisms previously used with computing services and now applied to data services. The proposed approach supports negotiable guarantees with respect to data quantity and quality for data access in advance of the actual data retrieval. Therefore, new data-related service level objectives (SLOs) are introduced and an according QoS management model is presented. This model resolves the complex process of the service level agreement (SLA) generation within data access and data mediation services. The benefits of this approach are materialized in the context of the data acquired in large biomedical project, an initial experimental evaluation demonstrates promising performance improvements in a real world scenario.

Dr. Jesús Bisbal received his PhD in computer science by Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and Computer Engineering degree from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. Dr. Bisbal was awarded a Ramón y Cajal Research Fellowship from 2004 until 2008 at Pompeu Fabra University, and is currently a lecturer at this university. He has published 20 papers and received over 300 citations in the areas of legacy systems, database theory, semantic interoperability in the healthcare domain, and adaptive middleware. Dr Bisbal has actively participated in the EU funded SynEx project, and also the RapidWare project funded by the NSF and the Office of Naval Research, USA. He has been workpackage leader of the 7th FP funded Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence (NoE), and participates in another 7th FP funded project called RICORDO, which investigates the use of ontologies to foster interoperability of biomedical datasets and models.  He is also the deputy scientific coordinator of the recently funded 7th FP integrated project VPH-Share, building an international open infrastructure for sharing biomedical data and models.

Attachment: ESSI_bisbalv4.pdf (slides)