
Seminari sobre "Modeling and Querying Spatial Data Warehouses"

El proper 10 de desembre (de 9 a 13h) i 17 de desembre (de 9 a 12h) el professor Alejandro Vaisman de l'Institut Tecnològic de Buenos Aires farà un seminari de 7 hores sobre "Modeling and Querying Spatial Data Warehouses". El seminari està obert a tot aquell qui estigui interessant. Per inscriure's cal enviar un correu al professor Óscar Romero (


In this seminar we will show how spatial data, data warehousing, and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) technologies, can be used to enhance data analysis.  We will give an overview of spatial data modeling and spatial SQL extensions. We will illustrate this using a spatial database stored in the Postgres DBMS with PostGIS extensions, and  the OpenJump Geographic Information System (GIS) client. Then, we will overview data warehouse (DW) design, and OLAP operators. We will show how to extend a DW with spatial data, and also illustrate this with a spatial DW implemented on Postgres.