
Introduction to Software Engineering at FIB (Facultat d'Informàtica de BCN)

An introductory course to Software Engineering in which we impart UML class diagrams, OCL operation contracts and UML sequence diagrams. You can check the contents here

Codirected Degree Final Projects

"Definició i execució de protocols de seguretat mitjançant llenguatges de modelització conceptual" by Gerard Pradas (2018)

(Codirected with Ernest Teniente) Abstract: In this thesis, we want to use conceptual modeling languages to define security protocols and to build an environment in which these protocols can be executed in an automated way.

"SafeEx: Eina per a l'execució d'esquemes conceptuals en UML" by Maria Claver (2015)

(Codirected with Ernest Teniente) Abstract: Design and development of a prototype that implements one of the necessary steps to execute conceptual schemas: the automatic and efficient checking of the integrity constraints of the model, with a technique of incremental checking on a relational database.