Marie Curie Joint ITN Data Engineering for Data Science - presentation for potential candidates

  • Jun10

    Next Monday, June 22nd 2020, at 13:00 there will be a presentation about a brand
    new Marie Curie Joint ITN PhD Programme called Data Engineering for Data Science (DEDS). ITNs are excellent PhD programmes, very competitive, and with excellent conditions (e.g., the gross salary per year is 39k; there is no other PhD program in Europe with those conditions). However, as I said, they are also very competitive and a top profile is required to gain access to the available positions.

    UPC, and specifically, the DTIM research group (, promote DEDS and we will be responsible for the selection procedure. If you are interested in knowing more about the topics and opportunities, consider attending
    the talk. 

    The next generation of PhD students are expected to start on September 2021. Thus, it is perfectly aligned with MIRI-DS students finishing now the first course. However, bear in mind application starts much earlier (like for any European programme).


    The meeting will take place online at: