Moditha Hewasinghage's PhD Thesis defense at UPC

  • Jul12

    Title:  Physical Database Design in Document Stores
    Author: Hewasinghage, Moditha
    Programme: Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Degree in Information Technologies for Business Intelligence
    Departamento: Departament d'Enginyeria de Serveis i Sistemes d'Informació (ESSI)
    Deposit date: 01/04/2022
    Defense date: 12/07/2022
    Defense time: 09:00
    Defense place: Physicall at UPC-Campus Nord B6-Sala Actes, remotely through GMeet (just request access e-mailing either the author or any of the advisors if you want to attend)
    Thesis advisors: Alberto Abelló, Jovan Varga, Esteban Zimany