DTIM is participating in the 4th GESSI Bi-annual Pizza Day at UPC

  • Oct17

    The DTIM research group will be participating in the 4th bi-annual GESSI Pizza Day at UPC Campus Nord in order to present our latest research to the students and research community of FIB.

    We will be demonstrating our on-going research projects and opportunities for collaboration and research. During this event we will also present Thesis projects for Bachelor and Masters students pursuing the completion of their degree.

    Date: 17th of October 2018.

    Time: 13h to 14h and 14h to 15h.

    Lcoation: Àgora Room (in front of the Plaza Telecos), Campus Nord, UPC, Barcelona.

    Registeration: pre-resgisteration required, open until Friday 12th of October.

    Main event page for more information and for registering to attend could be found here.