The FOLRE Project

This is the Web Home page of the FOLRE project, at Catalonia. Our group belongs to the Information Systems Section of the Software Department (LSI) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya at Barcelona.

FOLRE is both an acronym for "Facing On toward Logic database Rule Enforcement" and the name of the cover structure recently used again to higher up the typical Catalan human castles.

This page is structured as follows:

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The main goal of the FOLRE project is to deal with problems related to databases that allow the definition of intensional information. This definition is done in general by means of views, that allow to define new facts (derived facts or views) from those explicitly stored in the database, and integrity constraints, that define conditions that each state of the database should satisfy. Relational databases, deductive, object-relational, etc. fall into this category.

In this context, our goal is, and has been, to study the problems related with database schema validation and also to provide an integrated treatment of the problems that may arise when updating its contents. We find, among them, materialized view maintenance, view updating, integrity constraint checking and maintenance, condition monitoring, etc.

Current Research Interests 

At the present moment, our main area of research is oriented toward the development of a tool to validate relational database schemes defined in SQL Server. This research is being performed through the project "Database Schema Validation with SQL Server" granted by Microsoft Research. We are also working in other topics like:

Group Members

International Collaborations

  • Institut für Informatik  ---  Universität Bonn (D).
  •  School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences  ---  Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (UK)
  •  Dip. di Elettronica e Informazione  ---  Politecnico di Milano (I). 

  • Current Financial Support

  • Microsoft Research, grant 2003-192.
  • Integrated Action with Scotland, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2004.

  • If you have any questions or suggestions, please send an e-mail to

    Pàgina Principal UPC
    Pàgina Principal LSI
    Pàgina Principal SI

      Last Update: January 26th, 2004